Thursday, July 8, 2010

Almond Attack-Beware!!

I had to post this cartoon for you. It may be humorous; however, the subject is dead serious.

We love raw nuts. And, if you do, too, this news clip should be of interest to you. Almonds, as all natural foods, are under attack. "Raw" almonds may only appear to be so in the near future. The following is from the article featuring this cartoon:

he Almond Board of California (ABC) has decided that all almonds grown in that state must be pasteurized, irradiated or otherwise killed, even when they're labeled "raw..."

It turns out the focus is on the safety of the industry, and killing all the almonds before allowing them to be sold to consumers is a way to insulate the almond industry from lawsuits stemming from rare salmonella outbreaks that afflict a tiny number of consumers with compromised immune systems... making sure all almonds are pasteurized or irradiated...

Cooked almonds have most of their natural phytonutrients destroyed by excess heat (or radiation). Protein content is diminished, fats are molecularly altered and sugars are broken down into less healthy forms. All this seems to be of no concern to the ABC, which remains convinced that cooked, dead almonds are virtually identical to raw almonds in taste, texture and nutrition...

It seems stubbornly dishonest to cook all the almonds while labeling them "raw." It's an insult to the consumer, too, but it's also par for the course when it comes to food safety: The FDA, after all, insists that both irradiated foods and GMO foods should not be labeled as such because the labels might "confuse consumers." That's right: Too much information is dangerous to consumers! Knowledge might cause them to make the wrong purchasing decision!...

You can read more HERE.

Our precious food supply is so depleted in nutritive value as it is, and more attacks are forthcoming. Our store shelves are filled to the brim with "dead" food that consumer's purchase on a daily basis. This is serious. We are what we eat and drink!

Stay alert and voice your concerns. We can make a difference together.

Have a great day,
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