Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Aspartame: What is it?

Aspartame is in so many of the foods the normal household consumes.

But, what is it? Is the public in the habit of just ingesting foods because everyone else does, or because it tastes good. If one sees 0 calories, is it assumed that it has to be healthier for you?

Read labels: If you do, you will find that aspartame is commonly listed as an ingredient in not only sodas/soft drinks, but in everything from breath mints to even medications. Children consume it through many cereals, fruit flavored drinks, dessert toppings, candy, etc. And, fetuses can be affected by aspartame during gestation.

This chemical concoction,  made up of aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol, was discovered over 50 years ago. Watch this little video. It is under 7 minutes long. The video will give you a bit history on aspartame that has known side-effects from headaches and memory loss, to more serious health conditions, many of which were covered up in the original studies. 


Once ingested, it has been found that the methanol is converted by alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) enzyme into formaldehyde, which can cause havoc on your DNA and proteins. Sounds like the embalming process is being slowly begun way before it should be.:)

Again, read labels, and live naturally.

More news next time...

In health,

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Israel Bans Fluoride

Another country has banned fluoride-Israel. It has been mandated that Hot Springs, AR, add fluoride to the municipal water supply along with other cities in Arkansas with populations over 5000. Other countries, states, territories, etc., are removing it. Go figure!

Professor Arnon Afek, director-general at the Health Ministry, told the Jerusalem Post:
“Individuals have the right to decide if they want it [fluoride] or not… We cannot force people… The ministry supported it for over 40 years, but this is a new era. The world has changed, and we can educate parents.”
The research supports Professor Afek and the decision made by Israel. It is most frustrating for those who do not wish to have it added to their water.  Those who do not want to drink it, or take a bath or shower in fluoridated water don't have a choice. '

A bit of info: It is absorbed through the skin as you soak in the tub which the ladies may not appreciate. Do a little research yourself on the effects of fluoridated water on the skin. It will probably be something you will not want for yourself or want it in your children's bath water, either.

If you wish to have special filters to remove the fluoride, they are available. Visit the page of this web site at the page button menu, Fluoride, at the top of the page. There is some information on that page for you. Do call me if you have any questions.

In health,

Bees: A Barometer to the Earth's Environmental Stability

Bees: These amazing little creatures are so interconnected to our very existence, and yet, they are in such danger.

Thirty-five percent of hives are dying annually due to our environmental pollutants. We need to do something now, and each and everyone with a bit of property can make a difference in a bee's world.

I have two sites I came across that deserve some attention. They are the following: BeeAction.org  and Bee-Friendlier.com.

Albert Einstein said,  “Mankind will not survive the honeybees disappearance for more than five years.” 

This was quite prophetic for one of the biggest, foreboding dangers of all facing humans is the loss of the global honeybee population. Why is that? 

The consequence of a dying bee population impacts man at the highest levels on our food chain, posing an enormously grave threat to human survival. It is amazing how a creature so small can have such a huge impact on our lives.

Did you know that 70 out of the top 100 crops for our human food, which supplies around 90% of the world's nutrition, are pollinated by bees. A single bee colony can pollinate 300 million flowers each day. This consists of fruits, nuts, and vegetables. Honey bees, both wild and domestic, perform 80% of the pollination... Unbelievable!

Since 2006 beekeepers have been noticing their honeybee populations have been dying off at increasingly rapid rates. In Iowa, alone, there has been a decrease of over 70%! California's bee production has dropped nearly half in the last 6 years, and so many other states have seen a reduction, as well, such as Florida.

Chemicals, herbicides, and insecticides being used are having a horrifying effect on the bee population.  Hives are being devastated by what is known  Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). This problem has caused such a loss that the bee phenomenon has been recognized as an urgent crisis. There are so many other maladies that bees suffer from, even through electro-magnetic cell tower emissions.  What is happening to bees is a barometer to the earth's environmental stability.

Visit the websites, plant some wild flowers even if it is in containers, do your best to avoid pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals around your home and property for the sake of bees and all of nature, and plant heirloom or GMO free seeds in your garden if at all possible. If we each cooperate with nature, we can collectively change our world and preserve the natural habitats of God's creations, as well as, our food supply. 

Be kind to nature and nature will be able to do what God intended for it to do for you.

God bless,

 / PR Newswire / — 
Bees are responsible for one in every three bites of food we eat,
but their populations are in decline,
threatening the food supply as we know it today.

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