Thursday, April 30, 2009

Vaccines: Topic of Conversation in View of Latest News

There has never been a topic of more controversary among experts than that of vaccines. I will never say not to get them. However, I do believe in an "Informed Decision" and having a choice as to whether or not one wishes that they or a member of their family should be vaccinated.

I have a few suggestions from a lifetime of studying and personally dealing with the subject.

1. Ask for the package inserts of the vaccines that are being recommended or mandated to get so that you can read for yourself the side affects that one should be aware may take place.

2. Get the lot number, batch number, and manufacturer of the vaccine being administered should you choose to get the vaccine whether you are young or old. This is most important.

3. If you experience any side-effects listed in the pamphlets such as fever, swelling, etc., report it to the Vaccine Information Center at . They have records of others who have reported problems and can coorelate the reports to see if your batch has had any side effects reported from it. You will, with all probability, have to report the problem yourself to the CDC since doctors do not usually do this. Please call the National Vaccine Information Center for details and help. Donations to them are greatly appreciated.

Watch this video for an interesting documentary on the subject. With all the vaccines planned for the future, this is important for everyone.

To your health,

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