Thursday, April 23, 2009

Genetically Engineered Foods: Does It Affect You?

In my previous post I talked about Genetically Engineered Foods, or Genetically Modified Organisms-GMO's, and that if I wrote about the subject, it would be a long post. To make it simpler, you can watch The Future of Food on NetFlix, or with a few commercial interruptions, you can go to or watch it right here. This way you will understand first-hand the massive commercial movement behind the genetic engineering of our food supply and how it affects each one of us and our future.

How will all this affect our children and their children? The trouble is, no one really knows, and that should be of concern to us all.

To your health,

"We simply do not know the long-term consequences for human health and the wider environment...If something does go badly wrong, we will be faced with the problem of clearing up a kind of pollution which is self-perpetuating. I am not convinced that anyone has the first idea of how this could be done." Charles, Prince of Wales, June 1998--Speaking About Genetic Modified Crops. This quote is found in the book Harvest for Hope, A Guide to Mindful Eating by Jane Goodall in Chapter 4, entitled, Seeds of Discontent: Most interesting!
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