Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fowl Play:The Movie on the Chicken Industry-Shocking!

Just recently the chicken industry was again focused on during a TV show segment: I believe it was Oprah. The way that chickens are treated, injected with hormones and drugs, and abused for the sake of commercial enterprise is appalling!

Here is a trailer clip for an eye-opening movie, Fowl Play. We saw the entire movie at the local documentary film festival last year. Note: If you are sensitive, I forewarn you of the graphic details you will see:

Watch and share. People need to know.

Know what you are eating. Most food is not wholesome, unadulterated food anymore. It doesn't come from pristine, farm environments as it did in the past. The old-fashioned Mr. and Mrs. Farmers are hard to find.

In general, "Big Agriculture," with their chemicals, hormones, genetic modification, and mass produced crops and stock grow and control our food: Beware!

Shop at you local farmer's markets. Ask about the food you are even buying there, however. Some people, a very few, not all mind you, may, unfortunately, buy food to resell. So, ask around to find true, organic farmers. The cost will be a bit higher, but it will be well worth it. If you purchase from the super markets, wash them well with ionized water at 11.5pH to dissolve those oil-based chemicals. They don't come off with just tap water. That's another post in itself.

Another choice is to grow sprouts if you can't grow a garden. It is not difficult, doesn't take up much space, and the nutritional benefits are so great! I'll post more on this at a later time.

Sorry... I got a bit off the original subject-line. Getting back to the chickens. What's the alternative if you have to have chicken? Raise your own if you have the space and time. I grant you , that 's a little difficult for city dwellers. Or, do a little research and locate people who raise range-free chickens in the barnyard without drugs and hormones. You may have to travel a bit to find your source. If so, make a trip once a month or two and freeze what you get. At least you'll be able to see exactly how they are raised and treated. Or, form a co-op with some other folks and have one person pick up everyone's chicken order. In other words, take turns traveling to the source if the farmers don't ship which many, however, do. We used to do that to get raw milk many years ago when it was still available. And, it was so good! Those were the days...

BTW: If a label in a store says, "uncaged", the chickens could just be all jammed-packed in a poorly-ventilated building. Not much better conditions than for those that are caged. That term doesn't mean anything these days unless you know for sure.

Chickens need to be outside, free to move around and be "happy." Happy chickens; healthier meat.

Eat healthy...stay healthy,

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