Saturday, November 16, 2013

God Commands Us to Take Care of the Earth

Since Stephen has been posting on the toxicity in our world, I can’t help but put a little spiritual slant to our posts since we're both ordained ministers. I’m not going to preach to you; however, in order to truly live in joy on this beautiful planet we all call home, we have to do our part and do the best we can to help take care of it. Why?
Do you recall  the scripture in Genesis 2:15? It says.”Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and keep it.”
In that verse, the word “keep” in Hebrew is a very special word. It means to care for something so gently and completely, and to make sure that no harm comes to it... to cherish it as a mother would her baby. That was the command that God gave to man. That was man’s responsibility, which is now mankind's responsibility collectively.
Let’s all take notice of the things that are happening our “home,” which is the only one we have, and do what we can to “keep it”  in the scriptural sense. What we do to the earth, we do to ourselves. Let’s make sure we do our part and pass on to our children, grandchildren, and the future generations to come a beautiful, safe, healthy world in which to live and enjoy life as best as we possibly can. 
However, we can only make a difference by working together and making changes in our lifestyle NOW. We can change the way we clean our homes, raise our food, dispose of our garbage, and live respectively in regards to the environment in our own little corner of the world.

As one little girl said at the end of 20/20 TV show a few years ago hosted by Diane Sawyer, “Be nice to the earth.”

She couldn’t have said it any better. As the scriptures tell us, “And a child shall lead them...,” let us all be nice to the earth.
God bless you,
Pastor Donna
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