Thursday, April 22, 2010

Plastic Bags Are Hazardous to You and the Earth!


How are you doing today? We are having the greatest weather in the beautiful Quachita Mountains. The flowers are blooming, and it is great to be alive!

Many areas are celebrating Earth Day in the next month. I encourage everyone to recycle or reuse what you have if at all possible.

Here is an interesting video on the importance of using cloth grocery bags. It is well done and does make a point. There is a link on this blog for a great source for cloth bags that are, also, practical and attractive. Or, at least get the cloth bags from your local Wal-Mart or other local department stores and begin to use less plastic bags. Reuse those you already have when you can. Put your "stash", we all have them, in the car and take them into the store with you and have the checker bag your "stuff" in them. Try to get items in glass or cardboard containers. Some ladies are using their old plastic bags to crochet hats and other items in order to recycle them for a functional purpose: Wonderful idea!

Enjoy the video, and have a super day,

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