Friday, September 23, 2016

Remember Erin Brockovich? Chromium-6 Is in the U.S. Drinking Water of Millions!

In 2000, the movie, Erin Brockovich, made headlines. Based on a true story, it told how families in the Hinkley, California, area were extremely sick from the chemicals in the water, a carcinogenic chemical called chromium-6.

Now, 25 years later from the original case, it was reported on September 21, 2016 on CNN, this same substance could be in YOUR drinking water. It is estimated that thousands of new cancer cases could be a result of this contamination since it has been found in the drinking water of 200 + million Americans.

EWG, the Environmental Working Group, reported that a new analysis by them of federal data from nationwide drinking water tests, shows that the compound contaminates water supplies for more than 200 million Americans in all 50 states. Yet, federal regulations are stalled by a chemical industry challenge that could mean no national regulation, even though chemical state scientists in California and elsewhere say it causes cancer when ingested at even extraordinarily low levels.

It is happening all over again but on a much larger scale: The entire US! Go to EWG and see a map of the U.S. that will show the levels of chromium-6 in your area. 

In 2008, a two-year study by the National Toxicology Program found that drinking water with chromium-6, or hexavalent chromium, caused cancer in laboratory rats and mice. See report below. [3] 

Based on this and other animal studies, in 2010, scientists at the respected and influential California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment concluded that ingestion of tiny amounts of chromium-6 can cause cancer in people, a conclusion affirmed by state scientists in New Jersey and North Carolina.

"Whether it is chromium-6, PFOA or lead, the public is looking down the barrel of a serious water crisis across the country that has been building for decades," Brockovich said in a written statement Tuesday, blaming it on "corruption, complacency, and utter incompetence."

Take steps to protect your family's drinking water supply. Bottled water is not the answer either since that water comes from public sources in so many instances. A Berkey Water Filter is a simple, affordable way to remove Chromium-6 and other contaminants. 

Click Here and scroll to the Berkey Water Filter Image. Click on the image to read more about the filter. Call me if you have questions as to the different ways to remove chromium, lead, fluoride and other contaminants. The Berkey Filter is good to have in your home for anytime you may be without electricity, too. You may be the only source your family and friends have for fresh water in an emergency.

Wishing you health & happiness,
3 National Toxicology Program, Technical Report on the Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of Sodium Dichromate Dihydrate (CAS No. 7789-12-0) in F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice (Drinking Water Studies). Available at
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