Thursday, June 9, 2011

What Effects May GMOs Have on Humans?

This is a thought provoking quote regarding Genetically Modified Crops I thought you may find of interest:

"We simply do not know the long-term consequences for human health and the wider environment...If something does go badly wrong, we will be faced with the problem of clearing up a kind of pollution which is self-perpetuating. I am not convinced that anyone has the first idea of how this could be done." Charles, Prince of Wales, June 1998--Speaking About Genetically Modified Crops. This quote is found in the book Harvest for Hope, A Guide to Mindful Eating by Jane Goodall in Chapter 4, entitled, Seeds of Discontent: Very insightful book!

The UK Progressive reports:

If you're not buying organically produced foods (or growing your own food), then you're probably eating genetically modified ingredients in most of the processed foods you're consuming.80% of the food sold is now GMO food.

"Scientific testing has not been done on what effects GMOs may have on humans. What has been shown is that GMO foods contain excessive amounts of certain toxins, the effects of which have not been determined. Genetically modified foods also negatively impact the environment by creating more toxins and potentially leading to the creation of mutated soil bacteria, which may lead to more harm regarding the future of food production." UK Progressive March 29, 2011

A very interesting PDF for you with scientific references. CLICK HERE.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

GMO Explained-Very Informative! Watch This Today


Most people do not understand what genetic modification, GMO, is, and it is important that you do. Do visit Health Freedom US in the tabs and click on Info when you get to the site to learn even more from various informational sources. This is a very serious subject and one that all of us need to understand.

Here is an entertaining and, yet, most educational and easy to understand presentation for you. Please follow the prompts. You will need to click the arrow to proceed. Hope you enjoy it.

To your health & prosperity,

P.S. Here is a PDF on GMO's that has some interesting facts. It's a good, short overview to go along with the PPT.

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