Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Bees and Our World

It is reported that Albert Einstein once said: 

“If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live. No more bees, no more pollination … no more men!”

These are words to take to heart. 

There is a new film that has been released and that can be ordered  entitled: More Than Honey. It shows the importance bees play in our lives and our food supply and how they are now disappearing and dying. These special little creatures are not just the providers of a special sweetener you use. They pollinate; they, essentially, are responsible for a great portion of our food supply. Watch the trailer below.

More than Honey - Markus Imhoof (Official Trailer) from CIBER Science on Vimeo.

This is another little video I posted  HERE sometime ago.

Bees pollinate a significant majority of the world's food. In North America alone, honey bees pollinate nearly 95 kinds of fruits, including almonds, avocados, cranberries and apples. In fact, we can thank honey bees for one in three bites of food we eat. We all rely on bees – and the pollination services they provide – every day.

What’s happening to bees?

In recent years, bees have been dying off in droves. First in France in the mid-1990s, then in the U.S. and elsewhere, colonies have been mysteriously collapsing with adult bees disappearing, seemingly abandoning their hives. 

In 2006, about two years after this phenomenon hit the U.S., it was named “Colony Collapse Disorder,” or CCD. Each year since, commercial beekeepers have reported annual losses of 29% - 36%. Such losses are unprecedented, and more than double what is considered normal. Much has been made over the "mystery" surrounding CCD, but two points of consensus have emerged: Multiple, interacting causes are in play – key suspects include pathogens, habitat loss and pesticides; and Immune system damage is a critical factor that may be at the root of the disorder. Read more... 

There is a PDF that is quite interesting. It is a Bee Tool-Kit. You can access it HERE. Share it with your children and grand-children, and make the young ones aware of the importance that bees play in their life and life of this beautiful planet we all share and call home: It is the only one we have.

Check out the little widget in the side-bar and observe the bee-harming pesticides/chemicals being used in our agriculture that remains on your food supply. It is alarming. 

Visit with your local farmer's markets, and ask whether their produce is grown with bee safety in mind. If so, I urge you to patronize and support them.

Have a safe, Natural Living day,
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