Saturday, March 19, 2011

Food & Monsanto: "Future of Food"-the Movie

"Agriculture bio-technology will find a supporter occupying he White House next year, regardless of which candidate wins the election in November." Monsanta, in-house Newsletter dated Oct. 6th, 2000.

Studies done on GMO soy beans were done at the University of Arkansas. Interesting findings.
GMO fed rats had suppressed immune systems & other health challenges!
A terminator gene (known as the suicide gene) is put into crops to kill them after a certain point. Result: Stop normal seed production. (The co-owner of this terminator gene patent is the United States Government.)
Patented genes are not limited to food!
Should food, or any life at all, be patented? Monsanto and Big Agribusiness thinks so!
GMO foods that were approved for release: Zucchini, Hawaiian Papaya, Tobacco, Crook Neck Squash, Flax, Radicchio, Rice, Sugar Beet, Bovine Growth Hormone, Peppers, Carrots, 15 different kinds of fish, etc...
Mexico banned the growing of GMO corn-Why?

That story is most interesting. All this information and more is told in the movie, Future of Food. It is a movie that you must watch. It is a movie that everyone needs to watch. It can be found on Netflix to watch instantly. If you don't have Netflix, you can get a free trial by clicking HERE or on the banner to the right. Be aware of what is going on. We are what we eat!

Stay well; stay informed,
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