Sunday, February 7, 2010

What is in the H1N1 Vaccine?

What is in the H1N1 Vaccine? Here is a short summary:

Some of he various "Flu Vaccine Ingredients" include the following:

* Egg protein, and many people are allergic to eggs. Are you or a loved one allergic to aggs/ This is something to carefully consider.
* Monosodium Glutamate- I will post more on the formidably dangerous effects of MSG in upcoming posts. They will utterly shock you!!!
* Formaldehyde- Formalyn (formalin) is a 37 percent solution of gaseous formaldehyde which includes methanol. (Used in vaccines as a tissue fixative) Formaldehyde solution (formalin) is considered a hazardous compound and it is vapor toxic.
* Polysorbate 80 shown to cause infertility in mice, and is, also, in many foods and skin care products so always read you labels on everything.
* Sodium Chloride and Calcium Chloride
* Potassium phosphate- a soluble salt which is used as a fertilizer, a food additive and a fungicide. It is a source of phosphorus and potassium. It is also a buffering agent.
* Thimerosal- This is a form of mercury, a very toxic, dangerous substance, still found in some multi-vile vaccines.
* Polyoxidonium- Synthetic polymers and nanomaterials display selective phenotypic effects in cells and in the body that affect signal transduction mechanisms involved in inflammation, differentiation, proliferation, and apoptosis. When physically mixed or covalently conjugated with cytotoxic agents, bacterial DNA or antigens, polymers can drastically alter specific genetically controlled responses to these agents.
* Squalene- An oil based adjuvant that has never been approved in the US as safe, can cause blindness, autoimmune dysfunction and can inhibit sperm production. More than two dozen peer-reviewed scientific papers from ten different laboratories throughout the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Australia have been published documenting the development of autoimmune disease in animals subjected to 2 squalene-based adjuvants.
* Human Diploid Tissue- organ and tissue from aborted baby tissue is used in manufacturing many vaccines. This is not new, however. Aborted fetal material has been used for various other vaccines and as a culturing medium for over 30 years! The data on this is appalling.

The H1N1 viruses is not a new virus! It is the same virus found in 1947 and 1976. Many who got the vaccine in 1976 suffered serious side-effects and the filed lawsuits for damages that exceeded 3 billion dollars ; 1.3 billion of that was filed within the first few weeks on the vaccine being introduced into the populace.

Till next time...

Take care, & eat natural, & stay healthy,
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