Sunday, February 7, 2010

MSG: Does It Have Side-Effects?

MSG: There have been numerous studies of allergies and/or sensitivities to MSG, attributed to the free glutamic acid component, which has been blamed for causing a wide variety of physical symptoms such as migraines, nausea, digestive upsets, drowsiness, heart palpitation, hair loss, asthma, anaphylactic shock, rapidly increasing diabetes, and many other complaints. MSG is in the H1N1 vaccine!!!

There is a bigger list of side-effects. I have only mentioned a few of them. This is a commonly used food additive, and yet, it is definitely not innocuous, or harmless.

And, please take note: Often the term "natural flavors" on food packaging means MSG. If the last packager of your food item did not personally add MSG to the food before sending it to market, they do not have to list it on the final packaging.

I have made up a saying: "If you don't grow it, you don't know it!" Go Natural in your food preparation. Just because it tastes good, doesn't mean you should it eat it. There is a lot of JUNK out there that people are living on, or should I say existing on. It will catch up with them someday, and, perhaps that will be sooner than later.

If you use MSG, stop doing so. There are other ways to flavor food and to tenderize meat. Please use only meat from non-hormone fed, free range grown animals. I will touch on how to tenderize meat naturally in upcoming posts or write to me for information. I would love to hear from you.

Talk with you soon,
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