Saturday, March 14, 2009

Is Organic Farming in Jeopardy?

The world is changing. What use to be a world of purity in agriculture, leaving nature to do its own thing year after year, is becoming big business. Big corporations are turning farming into money-making, agricultural-science that is tainted with Frankenstein-like tendencies.

About 30 years ago, there was a movie produced entitled Henderson Monster. It is available on NetFlix. We highly recommend it.

It was not dealing with science-fiction monsters as the title infers. Instead, it was a subtle expose' of how science, even in university labs, was big business and suggested that someday man would "own" genetic codes. Man, corporations, would have the ability to control life, manipulate life,...even own life, if you will. The year the movie was made, the first genes were patented. Fiction became non-fiction over night!

There was once the comment made: He who controls the food, controls the population. It appears to be coming to that. The above paragraph, is now reality. Big corporations, like Monsanto, do "own" the genetic codes of plant seeds. Farmers are finding, that once they start using them, they have to continue using the seeds on infinitum. Oh, and then there's the animal genes in our food-GMO's, and...well, ... that's another post. To elaborate on that at this time would probably make this post at least ten pages.---Another time.

To get back to the subject at hand--There are bills being considered in Congress that are bringing to an urgency something that we all must be informed of if the choice to eat organic foods is of importance to you. They are bills HR. 875 and S. 425 (Click on links to view bills). The bills, like many, incorporate many issues in them, but, even though lengthy, it is of vital concern to those who value their rights to live holistically.

We know first hand that not all those in congress show up for a congressional hearing on a bill or read it in its entirety. In this case, we hope they do. Take the time to read the bill yourself, and read between the lines. Under a heading described as protecting the public health and ensuring the safety of food, it creates a new "Food Safety Administration" within Health and Human Services. Oddly, it doesn't just add regulations to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) which is also under HHS. The bill applies to all manner of "Food Establishments" and "Food Production Facilities" (the following is an excerpt).

(14) FOOD PRODUCTION FACILITY- The term ‘food production facility’ means any farm, ranch, orchard, vineyard, aquaculture facility, or confined animal-feeding operation. The bill would appear to even cover some fishing boats and potentially your downtown hot dog street vendors. "Transportation" of food also could be covered.

I encourage you to peruse the bill, particularly sections 206 and 207 under title 2, and section 3 that classifies the different definitions. The definitions will explain what the 5 classifications of the food establishments are. In essence, the small time farmer may have to jump giant hoops in the testing of foods, and new types of storage, etc., since it is very broadly-based written. That is the problem. Also, all these new regulations would be very expensive to conform to, and, if that be the case, government loans would be needed, know what's next as a result of that: Conformity without choice. By not conforming and following suit of the new regulations, they will be in violation leading, no doubt, to a great price to be paid. In addition, again, by the way it is written, everything points to the possibility that the small time organic farmer could be penalized for trying to adhere to their God-given right to be holistic in farming.

Refer to the above points. Call your Legislators: 1-202-224-3121. Let's preserve the small organic gardener. We need them! And, if anyone has a small organic garden in their own back yard, it might, may, could, heaven forbid, apply to you.

Have a great, natural living day,

"Food is power. Are you in control of yours?" John Jeavons
Quote from the book: Harvest for Hope...A Guide to Mindful Eating by Jane Goodall
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