Professor Arnon Afek, director-general at the Health Ministry, told the Jerusalem Post:
The research supports Professor Afek and the decision made by Israel. It is most frustrating for those who do not wish to have it added to their water. Those who do not want to drink it, or take a bath or shower in fluoridated water don't have a choice. '“Individuals have the right to decide if they want it [fluoride] or not… We cannot force people… The ministry supported it for over 40 years, but this is a new era. The world has changed, and we can educate parents.”
A bit of info: It is absorbed through the skin as you soak in the tub which the ladies may not appreciate. Do a little research yourself on the effects of fluoridated water on the skin. It will probably be something you will not want for yourself or want it in your children's bath water, either.
If you wish to have special filters to remove the fluoride, they are available. Visit the page of this web site at the page button menu, Fluoride, at the top of the page. There is some information on that page for you. Do call me if you have any questions.
In health,