Monsanto seems to leave its mark on every part of the food industry. This is an interesting video on milk-something that is a staple of every, average American home. Thought you'd find it interesting.
According to this film by Jeffrey Smith, it has been found that dairy products from cows treated with Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH or rBST) may sharply increase cancer risk and other diseases, especially in children. Already banned in most industrialized nations, it was approved in the US on the backs of fired whistleblowers, manipulated research, and a corporate takeover at the FDA. This film includes footage prepared for a Fox TV station—canceled after a letter from Monsanto's attorney threatened "dire consequences."
Part 1
Part 2
Have a great day,
“Any scientist who tells you they know that GMOs are safe and not to worry about it, is either ignorant of the history of science or is deliberately lying. Nobody knows what the long-term effect will be.” – Geneticist, David Suzuki, giving the 2008 Commonwealth Lecture in London