We received a few responses from individuals about our post on pesticides and herbicides. Some people feel it is so inconsequential if they "spray several times a year."
Your kids, your grandchildren, and your pets play on your lawn, as well, all the living things in nature that surround you. I won't reiterate here what I previously wrote on 6/17; however the thousands of chemicals that we encounter in our daily life affect everyone in some way, shape, or form. The body wasn't made to handle the onslaught.
There are a lot people who are concerned about this. Here's an interesting video. Chemicals enter our children's lives from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed through so many sources. They enter everyone's life! Watch, ponder, take action, and do what you can. Little changes made everyday by each of us can make a big difference!
A Wake-Up Story from Healthy Child Healthy World on Vimeo
This is the book at a very good price.
Whatever products you are using whether it be shower gels, shampoos, hand sanitizers, cleaning products, insecticides, herbicides, etc, do your research on what's listed on the labels. Become an avid label reader. Find out what it is and what it does to your health, your children's health, and the environment. This is so important! Don't just go to the manufacturer's web sites, either. Look further.
The holiday is upon us, and Donna and I wish you a great, safe, 4th of July week-end with your family and friends...
Take care, & God bless,
Dr. Harvey Karp
But unlike you and me, chemicals should never be considered innocent until proven guilty; in fact, we must consider them guilty until proven innocent! We must demand that industry prove a substance safe before it is allowed to be sold to millions.
Dr. Alan Greene
The food we eat, the products we put on our skin and use to clean our homes, the toys children play with and put in their mouths-- all of these and more can impact the short-term and long-term health of a child. A green pediatrician thinks about these issues.
Erin Brockovich
I'm an advocate for common sense. If an exterminator uses a chemical that makes a spider drop dead right in front of you, what's its effect on a child?