Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Our Foods, You, and the Corporate World

Recent News:
6,000,000 American children have food allergies. That means 1 in 12 children. That's incredible! It is more pervasive that what was formerly thought by experts. Two in five have severe reactions, and experts, it was said, have no idea what's causing the epidemic.

Interestingly however, there have been experts for many years that do have, and have had "an idea" as to what is causing this horrendous problem.

I have posted a video from a TEDx Event featuring Robin O'Brien. She was a food industry analyst working on Wall Street prior to starting her family of 4 children. Reared on Twinkies and Poor Boys, she admittedly didn't give a lot of credence to health foods and organic produce until the day one of her children had a terrible allergic reaction to her breakfast... scrambled eggs, blue yogurt, and Eggo Waffles. She immediately took the child to her doctor. While at the doctors, she was told that the foods were on the top of the list for allergic reactions. She was alarmed and horrified to be told that common foods that average kids eat could cause her child to be so sick. That event started her analytical mind to seek answers, and what she found shocked her as she dug deeper.

She found:

A reason why children are having more food allergies now than the previous generations...

Chemicals, pesticides, herbicides and bovine growth hormone-a synthetic protein which is linked to breast, prostrate, and colon cancer, that are allowed in the US, are not allowed in over 27 countries in Europe as well as many others around the world, & more.

Ms. O'Brien's lecture is most interesting and important information for everyone, especially parents and grandparents. She has chronicled her findings in her new book, The Unhealthy Truth.

From our own research, Donna and I have known for years that pesticides, herbicides, chemicals, food coloring, food additives, preservatives, etc, affect people. Dr. Feingold's studies back in the 70's tied additives and food coloring to so many health challenges including severe allergies that children were experiencing, and those things are in nearly everything packaged, especially cereals!

Side note here: Read your labels!!! If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it. Shop on the perimeter of the groceries stores and avoid the inner aisles whenever you can, for your food choices. Shop for fresh, non-packaged, non-preserved, unadulterated foods as much as possible. Now to get back on track...:)

However, in the US in the last 2 decades there are now GMO's added to the list and more and more pesticides and herbicides-literally thousands of them. With that, as well as, all the other things in our food supply, illnesses and allergies have escalated to alarming proportions among all age groups, especially children. Their immune systems from birth are being attacked from all sides in our highly chemicalized world.

The video is a good overview from a food analyst's standpoint that brings the corporate world and the bottom-line financial aspect into the picture. Watch and do share.

Have a blessed day,

Great Quote:
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead

P.S. For a PDF on some of the GMO's-CLICK HERE

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