Avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, sucralose, or any of the other commercial sweeteners. Have this as your goal: Make this a soda free summer!!!
In our culture and when we entertain, it is often difficult to avoid sweetening some foods. If you must buy a sweetener, raw and minimally processed sweeteners are best. Organic sweeteners have the added benefit of being grown and processed in a way that is not only healthier for us but for the environment as well. Look for products that have an organic certification to be sure that you are purchasing products that have been grown and processed without using harmful chemicals, pesticides, or herbicides.
Use everything in moderation: Sweeteners are still sweeteners; however, some do have minerals, vitamins, and trace elements when minimally processed and unadulterated.
So, the following are some natural alternatives to consider if you must have something sweetened-two of them are 300 times sweeter than sugar*.
Pure Maple Syrup-Do make sure it's "pure" maple syrup. Those others don't count as "syrup"!
Luo Han Guo* derived from a medicinal fruit/herb in China
Yacon with probiotics
Honey-moderately used & raw, derived from local hives in your area for best benefits.
Natural Sorghum
Unsulpured Molasses-Black Strap
Unsulpured Molasses-Black Strap
Raw or Turbinado Sugar
Raw or Turbinado Sugar
Date Sugar
Rice Syrup, etc.
Rice Syrup, etc.
Use depends on your need or preference, physical tolerance to sweets, and recipes.
One natural sweetener that is suggested to take everyday, however, is Yacon. It works like yogurt does in the body with helpful probiotics for digestion and no calories-Amazing substance. It is derived from the sunflower root and has been used for centuries in South American countries. It resembles sorghum in flavor and texture, and it is very good.
Eat natural, avoid soda like the plague, and drink water!!!!
Have a joy-filled week,
P.S. Most of these sweeteners are available locally or on-line at the sources on this blog. Looking for local sources for raw honey? Contact your state Beekeepers Association. This is important: Bees can get sick, too. They will have a list of reputable people in your area whose hives are regularly inspected by the state bee inspector. If you are in Arkansas, contact us.